Monday, February 16, 2009

i'm thinking that i need to update two items with paint jobs. I am leaning toward a mustardy yellow or a brightish green...what do you think? definitely not the same for both...i thought maybe for the...lets call it a former spice rack turned potential sewing center...just a white but with yellow drawers...and awesome knobs. anyhow someone give me input. oh and we got some fish tonite and i need to take some photos b/c what a story i have to tell about them already. crazy fish


Lizabee said...

recognize anything marcia??

marcia@joyismygoal said...

I do I was just saying hmm I LIKE THAT DESK:) yrllow is Cheery -- red is always nice I have seen colors done w/ stain over them or..... roughed up... I like that look :)-- sanding first is the step I like to skip but I am always sorry if I don't:O

bedelia said...

you should go to and click on the before and after tab on the left. There are lots of pages for inspiration. Maybe you can do your desk and I can do my phone table. I'm so glad you are blogging.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking yellow is the way to go for your spice rack turned sewing center. p.s. I'm planning on calling you back today!!! YEAH!!! Get excited.

Anonymous said...

I say go black with silver handles...guess who. I like to call on Sunday.

Gin Gin said...

Been one year since your last post. :D Happy Blog-iversary. lol

Love you!